Open Access Journal

Manuscript submission

Volume 50 (1999), issue 3

Documentation in a wood industry business system from the viewpoint of filing

Research subject and fields:

In the recent period, documentation in business systems has undergone changes mainly due to new technologies, which make up an integral part of a modern business system. The document recording medium is in the process of change, and the electronic medium has gained in importance. Also the content, form and, in particular, the systems of document designation are in the process of change. A proposal for such a system, adapted as appropriate to the characteristics of the wood industry, is described in greater detail of this article. Document designation has an important role both in the documentation flows between the various entities and processes in a business system and in the process of filing. The latter is especially stressed in the article. The study was carried out in a wood industry company.


Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology

DRVNA INDUSTRIJA Scientific Journal of Wood Technology

ISSN 0012-6772 (Print) / ISSN 1847-1153 (Online)

Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology University of Zagreb, Svetošimunska 25, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska - Croatia
Tel: +3851 2352 430, E-mail:
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ružica Beljo-Lučić, Ph.D. E-mail:
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